USDT Perpetual Contract on Deepcoin offers perpetual contract trading of BTC & ETH etc, with up to 125x leverage, using stablecoin USDT as margin and settlement currency. This article will guide you how to trade USDT Perpetual Pro contract, including how to view chart, open positions, set TP/SL, close positions, manage positions and share profit posters.
・Enter Trading Screen
・View Chart
・Open Positions
・Take Profit/Stop Loss
・Manage Positions
1.View Current Position
2.Share Profit/Profit% Poster
3.Adjust Leverage
4.Add Position
・Close Positions
Enter Trading Screen
Open Deepcoin app and tap [Trade]-[USDT Perp].
View Chart
Tap chart icon to view the chart. Here you can also view order list, filled list and details of the corresponding trading pair. Tap the pentagram icon in chart screen to add the cryptocurrency into favorites.
Open Positions
Step1: Choose a trading pair. Tap the trading pair in the top left corner, you can view contract list which includes all supported trading pairs at the moment. Search or tap the pair you want to trade, then you can start trading.
Step2: Place an order. Tap [Open] and select Order Type. Market price means the order will be executed with market price. Market price order will be filled right after placed. If you choose "Limit", you need to enter price. If you choose "Conditional", you need to enter "Trigger Price". If you choose to place limit order or conditional order, they will be displayed in the order zone down below untill filled.
Step3: Tap the button in the right of order type, choose "Merge" or "Split". Find more: Manual | "Merge" and "Split".
Step4: Tap [Cont] to set contract unit. Choose to order with "Cont" or cryptocurrency such as "BTC". Enter amount, or tap the percentage to confirm the amount.
Step5(Optional): Tick the box before [TP/SL] and set TP/SL. How to set TP/SL?
Step6: Tap [Buy/Long] or [Sell/Short], check the details in the pop-up window, then tap [Confirm].
Take Profit/Stop Loss
You can set TP/SL price both before entry and after placing orders. Besides "TP/SL on order", flexible settings including "Position TP/SL" and "Conditional TP/SL" are also supported. That means if you didn't set TP/SL prices before opening the position, you can still set it on current position. Find the positon you want to stop loss or take profit. Then tap [TP/SL] to set "Position TP/SL" or "Conditional TP/SL". Click TP/SL manual to check how to set it.
Manage Positions
View Current Position
Select [Position] and all positions will be displayed here. And turn the [Only Current Currency] switch on, then only current currency will be shown in the screen.
Share Profit/profit% Poster
Tap the share icon on the right corner of each position. You can save the poster of profit/profit% and share it to social media.
Adjust Leverage
Add Position
Tap [Addition] to add positions. You can choose to trigger it with [Market] price or [Limit] price. Tap percentage to confirm addition amount.
Close Positions
There are two ways to close current position with different prices. Under [Market Price Close], positions will be settled with market price. Under [Limit Close], positions will be settled with limited price.
1) Select close type, enter price and amount, then tap [cofirm]. [Market Price Close] orders will be filled with market best price.
2) Besides closing on position, you can also close your positions in [Close] zone. You can check how many conts you can close down below the Buy/Sell button.
Close All: Regardless of the cryptocurrency, users can close all open positions at once by tap [Close All] button. Up to 20 positions can be closed at one time. Available positions can be closed at market price. Your profit and loss will be affected by the depth of the market.
Deepcoin Team
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