Many Deepcoin users struggle to buy/sell crypto in Spot. To provide a more convenient way to exchange between cryptos, Deepcoin launched [Exchange] in App, only 1 click to do it all.
■Supported Currencies
Currencies: All currencies in spot trading list beside DC are exchangeable.
Account: Exchange cryptos in wallet account only.
Fee: ZERO. Exchange rate is real-time.
■How to exchange between currencies?
First of all, Tap [Exchange] on home page in Deepcoin app.
▼Step1:Choose currencies. Tap [From] and [To] to select currencies you want to exchange. For example, if you want exchange BTC to ETH, tap [From] to choose BTC and [To] to choose ETH.
▼Step2: Enter exchange amount. Here you need to enter the amount of currency you want to exchange from. Tap [ALL] and all availiable amount in wallet account will be automatically filled in.
▼Step3:After confirming the real-time rate and estimated amount, tap Confirm and exchange process is completed.
▼Step4:You can check exchange records in Exchange History above right or Statement in wallet account.
Deepcoin Team
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